Start With Your Bag?!
We’ve all been have 15 minutes to get out the door and your outfit is a bust! B-U-S-T! Torture, we know! You’re in a bind and you’ve changed not once, not twice but 3 times! Well luckily as they say, 3rd times the charm. But for those of us who don’t have the time or patience to change through outfit after outfit there’s a little tip!
This pro-tip from Glamour Mag is simple, ‘Start with your bag’. It is a little bit unorthodox + a little bit fun...but it works. It works so much so that the ‘start with your bag’ method is taking over this season’s runway. What is it? It’s letting your bag shape your whole outfit, and matching your outfits to your bag. Have an oversized tote, try this outfit. If you’re into statement clutches, look no further. Need a look for the office, try matching your work bag with this.
The key is simplicity. Let the bag set the styling, and boom your outfit’s done!